HOMEWhat is Earth Caravan >Theme Poem "The Flame Of The Golden Flower"

Theme Poem
"The Flame Of The Golden Flower"

クリス・モズデルによる詩の朗読。Poemtry Reading by Chris Mosdel, Tomomi Yosh...

"Flame of Golden Flower " This poem is wrtiten for "Earth Caravan" bringing Hiroshima oroginal fire since atoic bomb explotion on 1945 , to Jerusalem summer 2015. 1945年から燃え続けて来た、広島原爆の残り火(平和の火)をエルサレムまで運ぶ、アースキャラバンのために書かれた詩、「金色の華の炎」。京都・知恩院にて。日本語朗読/吉田智美  音楽/遠藤喨及

Posted by 遠藤 喨及 on 2015年8月27日

The poem "Flame of Golden Flower " was written by Chris Mosdell for the "Earth Caravan," to inspire the journey of the Hiroshima flame, kept since the atomic bomb explosion in 1945, to Jerusalem in the summer of 2015. To read the poem, please click below:
