Thanks version
Musicians Profile

Ashok Jain Manthan
(lead vocals)
Ashok Jain "Manthan" is a revolutionary poet, thinker, actor, and social engineer, with a commitment to catalyze the awakening needed to spread humanity & peace on the planet and in his own native country, India. He is the founder of 'Manav Manthan,' churning of human consciousness to higher states of awareness, the ex general secretary of Yogdhara, an organization for writers and poets and Triveni, a theater group. He is affiliated with All India Radio, Udaipur, as an artist & poet.
Samarth Janve, Ashok Jain & Vineet Chobisa (vocals) The music engineer: Samarth Janve
Instrumentalists: Samarth Janve & Vineet Chobisa Song Translator: Ashok Jain Manthan
Produced by : Ashok Jain Manthan Coordinated by : Rita kubiak
A special vote of thanks to :Shri Gauri Shankar Sharma(music composer & vocalist ) for his advice and support in developing
the Hindi version of 'Share'.