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Musicians Profile

Charlie Cannon
(lead vocal)
Charile's Gospel Angels
(choir vocals)
singer.from Alabama (USA), he loves rlythm'n blues, soul and gospel. He partecipated at international tours of Milva, Renato Zero e Zucchero, and partecipated as singer at last europe tour of Platters.
He worked with some conductors of orchestra like Trovaioli, Ortolani, Camfora, Pisano and Ferrio.
Author and composer, he wrote passages for international artists(Mike Francio, Amy Stewart).
His first CD "Charlie Cannon Roots-1" had remarkable success and recently single "Fallin' in love" published.He partecipated at Sanremo Festival 1993 and many years he worked many transmissions television of RAI . His live show is the mix music of easy listening,soul,rhythm & blues and dance music '70.