Starting from Nagasaki, Japan, in April 2016, the Earth Caravan will travel to Hiroshima, Onomichi, Kyoto and Tokyo. It will then move to North America with activities in Toronto, Canada at the end of May and in Madison, USA in July. At the beginning of August the Earth Caravan will globetrot to Israel and Palestine and then will travel back to Canada, visiting native communities in northern Quebec.
At each one of these stops, the Earth Caravan will organize events to spread its wish for the world.
date | Place | Event Contents |
April 14th, | Nagasaki City |
◎Start Peace Cycling Ceremony Mayor of Nagasaki visit Ceremony |
April 23, 24 | Hiroshima City |
◎Earth Caravan Hiroshima →this event is over. 11:00~17:00 At Hanover Garden / Peace Concert & Charity market 18:00~20:30 At Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome)/ "Peace Flame" Candle night Live Concert. |
April 26 | Onomichi City |
◎Earth Caravan Onomichi At Myosen-ji Temple. →this event is over. 18:00?21:00 "Peace Flame" Candle night Live Concert. |
May 3,4 | Kyoto City |
◎Earth Caravan Kyoto At Umekoji Park →this event is over. 10:00?17:00 Peace concert & Charity market |
May 6 | Nagasaki City |
◎Earth Caravan Nagasaki, At front of JR Nagasaki station. →this event is over.> |
Sep 22 | Hamamatsu City |
◎Earth Caravan Hamamatsu Peace concert |
Sep 24,25 Tokyo | Tokyo |
◎Earth Caravan Tokyo, At Kiba park Peace concert & Charity market |
North America
◎North America event information >>
date | Place | Event Contents |
May 31st | Toronto City |
◎Earth Caravan Toronto, at Nathan Phillips Square Peace Concert, Ceremony & Charity market You can join/participate in Earth Caravan Toronto by clicking this link →this event is over. |
July 31 | Madison, USA |
◎Earth Caravan Madison, at Summerfest on Atwood Avenue Charity Shiatsu and Peace Flag art and parade |
Aug 15~19 | Northern Quebec |
◎Earth Caravan Quebec Visit two native community villages in northern Quebec Workshops, Treatments, etc. You can join/participate in Earth Caravan Quebec by clicking this link |
Middle East
date | Place | Event Contents |
August 2nd | Tel Aviv | Peace and healing workshops and exchanges with Israeli peace and justice community leaders. |
August 3rd | Jerusalem | Visit to child refugee center in Jerusalem |
August 4th | Hebron Bethlehem |
Reconciliation Tour of Hebron Day tour to the south Hebron hills and visit with both Jewish and Palestinian non-violent leaders. Evening program at Bethlehem Live Festival with music, Shiatsu, poetry and workshops. |
August 5th | Bethlehem | Sharing of Japanese culture at the Bethlehem Live Festival including music, origami, tea ceremonies and meditation workshops. |
August 6th | Bethlehem | Hiroshima day memorial service at the Bethlehem Live Festival. |
August 7th | Bethlehem | Visit to Palestine Museum of Natural History and the Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability. |
August 8th | Bethlehem | Day tour, farming experience and heartwarming human exchanges at Tent of Nations / People Building Bridges Ecological Farm. |
August 9th | Jerusalem |
Nagasaki memorial day in Jerusalem; Closing peace candle lighting ceremony at night. |
◎Interfaith Cermony for the spirits of the victoms of the past war & Peace of the World >>
*Dates and program could be change.